Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sotomayor Pt. 3: Joe Biden screws up by telling the truth....

There is only one cardinal sin in American politics - NEVER ACCIDENTALLY TELL THE TRUTH.

Joe Biden does not understand this concept - to the benefit of the American people and the U.S. Constitution:

Vice President Joe Biden may have crossed the line when he assured national law enforcement groups Monday that Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor "has your back."

The remark quickly stirred criticism in the legal world, since Biden was making a pledge that a fair and objective justice would not necessarily be able to keep.

Biden made the remark at an assembly of eight law enforcement groups after he detailed Sotomayor's tough-on-crime record in the courtroom.

"There's a part of her record that seems to be, up to now, been flying under the radar a bit. And that's her tough stance on criminals and her unyielding commitment to finding justice for the victims of crime," Biden said.

He then repeatedly said, "She gets it," and sought to assure the law enforcement groups that she would be on their side.

"So you all are on the front lines. But as you do your job, know that Judge Sotomayor has your back as well," Biden said. "And throughout this nomination process, I know you'll have her back."

Yes, she will have your back - even if you beat up a stranded motorists and a jury finds you negligent.

As I said before, Sotomayor is not a liberal. Sotomayor is a center-left statist.

A liberal, like judge Souter, at least believes that individuals deserve protection from abusive police tactics, although he does not believe that they should be protected from local governments run amuck.

In any case, I'm glad Joe Biden is telling us the truth about Sotomayor.

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